When you think about it, the perfect 30-minute set is an art form.

    Not unlike a televised situation comedy with character transformation, commercials, and conflict resolution, the 30-minute rock set must blend band inebriation, stage patter, and musical triumph all within the tidy parameters of one half an hour, while still striving to achieve the ultimate goal of wacky hijinks. (how's that for a mission statement!)

On Thursday, April 22 at 9:00 p.m. attempted the following selections upon graduation from an accelerated, 4-week rehearsal program.

                                              Sold Out Gig In Space
                                              Beautiful Bomb
                                              Spend Your European Money
                                              Alien Trick
                                              Punk Rock Is Dead
                                              Packet Switch
                                              Photo of a Dead Man
                                              Burn A Book
                                              Beautiful World
                                              Larry Sub