                                              the pretty boys and girls
                                              parade outside my window
                                              dressed gaily, flaunting the skin
                                              of 21-year olds
                                              hand in hand in hand in hand
                                              hand in hand in hand in hand
                                              sunset women are buying shoes
                                              and 20 dollar bills
                                              lay all over the ground
                                              happy, happy, happy
                                              so goddamn happy
                                              oh, to be them
                                              and not to be me
                                              oh, to be them
                                              politics schmolitics
                                              i just wanna get some kicks
                                              religion schmigion
                                              i don't want to hear about
                                              your fear of death
                                              abortion schmortion
                                              let's go to the ocean
                                              sex schmeck what the heck
                                              dopamine premise